Note: Registration is required to qualify for this Product Warranty. Please read the below Product Warranty Information, Registration Instructions and Claims Procedures completely.
Registered Permagloss customers are entitled to $600 total tire replacement reimbursement, with a maximum of $150 payable for any one tire, should any covered tires experience ozone or UV related sidewall cracking during the term of this thirty six (36) month agreement. This agreement is between the Agreement Holder (YOU) and Vehicle Safety Solutions, LLC. (We/Us). This agreement becomes effective upon our receipt of your fully completed and executed Permagloss Registration Form and Proof of Purchase (Effective Date). It provides reimbursement for tire replacement up to $600, with a maximum of $150 payable for any one tire, if the treated portion of a covered tire suffers cracking due solely to, and as a result of, UV and/or ozone exposure and damage. Cracking, as it relates to this “UV/Ozone Related Tire Cracking” benefit means that the external rubber surface of the covered tire’s treated sidewall has developed clear and visible fissures or splits that are, in our sole opinion, a result of damage caused by exposure to ozone or ultra violet light.
Coverage is limited to a total payout of $600, with a maximum of $150 payable for any one tire, only during the thirty-six (36) month coverage period. Coverage only applies to the tires that are installed upon the vehicle at the time of the original Permagloss treatment and registration. Coverage is only available for, and is limited to, tires that are less than one year old, based upon the tires’ manufacture date as documented by the tires’ DOT Numbers, at the time of the original treatment registration Effective Date, and are less than four years old, based upon the tires’ manufacture date as documented by the tires’ DOT Numbers, at the time of any claim. To qualify for any coverage or Product Warranty benefits, we must receive your fully completed and executed Permagloss Registration Form and Proof of Purchase (a copy of your original Permagloss product purchase receipt) within sixty (60) days of your purchase, as indicated on your original Permagloss product purchase receipt. All claims must be pre-authorized. Products and services secured prior to receiving authorization by US are NOT covered and will not be reimbursed. For Pre-Authorization, call 1-866-458-5168.
Coverage does not apply for the following: Any damage that occurs outside the United States or Canada; Any damage caused by a road hazard; Any claim or benefit not listed; verbal and written promises made by anyone other than Us; Tires with less than 6/32” tread remaining; replacements due to defects or covered by a recall, manufacturer or other warranty; damage of tires which are over/under sized or otherwise not recommended by the vehicle manufacturer, damage caused by collision with another vehicle, curb or median impact; lack of proper maintenance, valve or rim leaks, improper inflation, misalignment, suspension problems; tire chains, racing, off-road-use, tires transferred from another vehicle, negligence, malicious mischief, abuse, misuse, vandalism, fire or theft; claims submission by hand written or any non-original receipts or receipts not generated by a nationally recognized POS system; any loss where You or any person on Your behalf falsely swears or commits any fraudulent act with respect to any claim; any loss covered by primary physical damage insurance; Any consequential damages.
To Register your Permagloss Purchase and Activate your Permagloss UV/Ozone Related Tire Cracking Warranty, print or obtain a Permagloss Registration Form, as directed below, fully complete and sign the Permagloss Registration Form, then send it and a copy of your original Permagloss product purchase receipt to us as follows:
By Mail:
Mail your fully completed and signed Permagloss Registration Form and your original Permagloss purchase receipt to:
Vehicle Safety Solutions, LLC.
Permagloss Registrations
3750 Park Central Blvd. North
Pompano Beach, FL 33064
By E-mail:
Scan your fully completed and signed Permagloss Registration Form and your original Permagloss purchase receipt and e-mail both to info@permagloss.net.
By Fax:
Fax your fully completed and signed Permagloss Registration Form and your original Permagloss purchase receipt to: 954-970-1695
Click Here to View and Print a Permagloss Registration Form.
To receive a Permagloss Registration Form by mail, please call 1-866-458-5168, or request one via mail by writing to Vehicle Safety Solutions, LLC., Permagloss Registrations, 3750 Park Central Blvd. North, Pompano Beach, FL 33064. This agreement and your Permagloss UV/Ozone Related Tire Cracking Warranty become effective upon our receipt of your fully completed and executed Permagloss Registration Form and Proof of Purchase.
NOTE: All claims must be pre-authorized. Products and services secured prior to receiving authorization by US are NOT covered and will not be reimbursed.
To place a claim for UV/Ozone Related Tire Cracking, please proceed as follows:
To receive a Permagloss Registration Form by mail, please call 1-866-458-5168, or request one via mail by writing to Vehicle Safety Solutions, LLC., Permagloss Registrations, 3750 Park Central Blvd. North, Pompano Beach, FL 33064. This agreement and your Permagloss UV/Ozone Related Tire Cracking Warranty become effective upon our receipt of your fully completed and executed Permagloss Registration Form and Proof of Purchase.
2. Upon answering your call, a claims administrator will request information regarding the nature of your claim and to confirm coverage is available and valid.
3. Once your coverage status has been verified, the administrator will assign your claim a “Claim Number” and mail, fax or e-mail you a Claim Form for your completion.
4. Upon your receipt and careful completion of the Claim Form, mail or e-mail it and a clear photograph(s) of the each damaged tire, as described on the Claim Form to us at the mail or e-mail address provided on the Claim Form.
5. Within two business days of the administrator’s receipt of the Claim Form and required photographs, the administrator will contact you via phone or e-mail, as provided by you on your Claim Form, and advise you if reimbursement benefits are due and, if so, how much.
6. If the administrator authorizes reimbursement benefits, you must, within 30 days of receiving authorization, replace the covered tires with new tires and send us a copy of the original, paid sales receipt, complete with date of tire purchase, selling business’s preprinted name, address and phone number, covered vehicle’s year, make, model, VIN number, odometer reading, tire size and brand, as well as any other information we reasonably request, as follows:
    By Mail:
    Mail us a copy of the complete original, paid sales receipt to:
    Vehicle Safety Solutions, LLC.
    Permagloss Claims
    3750 Park Central Blvd. North
    Pompano Beach, FL 33064
    By E-mail:
    Scan your complete original, paid sales receipt and e-mail it to: info@permagloss.net.
    By Fax:
    Fax a copy of the complete original, paid sales receipt to: 954-970-1695
7. Authorized reimbursements are paid via check within seven (7) business of our receipt of your completed original, paid replacement tire sales receipt. Please allow a total of 30 days for delivery.